It amazes me how much we do for God on accident. We go to the grocery store, and it just so happens that even though we were only going for some bread, we wind up discussing spiritual matters with someone in the parking lot. Or, we go walk the dog because she won't shut up, and the neighbor asks about church. None of these things are ever planned. We just sort of trip over them.
Tonight at FUEL we were looking at John 4 where Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well. Upon first look it looks like Jesus was thirsty, so he went to get a drink of water from the well. However, Mike, reminded me tonight that Jesus went there on purpose. He went there purposefully to meet the woman at the well, knowing that He would have the opportunity to share His message with her. She, however, was only going to get a drink.
This reminded me of how strategic Jesus was about his mission from God. Nothing he did was done accidentally. Then, I began to think about how so often in my life I had thought differently. I would walk into church and wonder sometimes, "where is everyone...why aren't they here. This is something they really need!" When all along they were all at the wells, going along with there normal, everyday life. Then, it hit me! I must go meet the people at the wells. I must go there for the intent purpose of fulfilling God's mission for my life..."make disciples." I must go to the grocery store because that is where the "well" dwellers hang out. I must go take my dog for a walk when all of the other "well" dwellers take their dogs for walks. I must make a consistent effort to go meet people at their wells, so that I can give them a drink of something that will cure their thirst forever. I must go, and go on purpose.
Thursday, February 26, 2004