I've just recently been reading a book by Michael Slaughter that is entitled, Unlearning Church. This book essentially discusses what the emerging church leaders must unlearn in order to be relevant to this generation of post-Christians. As I have been reading it, I have been pondering what it is that I must be willing to unlearn. What is it that I have embraced over the years about church that must change if I am going to be who God has called me to be in this generation?
I guess what I need to unlearn is that church is a place. My wife and I were discussing where God has placed us (as part of a planting team at Resonance Church) and how people respond to us when we tell them about us being part of the planting team. Their first response often has to do with the church building itself...like where is it located and what kind of church it is. It is so interesting to me how church has solely become a place that people go. I wonder if that has to do with the dualistic life that many Christians live today. At work they can operate under a different set of values because it is not church. At home they can operate under a different set of values because it is not church. Etc.
If we are going to live in such a way as to be relevant to the emerging generation, then we must be willing to unlearn that church is a place. We must learn that WE are the church. God's people are His church. He has just given many of us buildings to gather in, and we must be faithful to that public gathering. But, In this generation we must also be willing to be God's church in whatever setting He has placed us.
Monday, August 25, 2003