Satire: A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
Just in case you haven't found this out yet, the article below is a took me a few days to figure this out, but it isn't real.
What is sad, however, is that it isn't far from the truth! Although the events described in the article did not happen, are they so far removed from the truth that they couldn't? No, it wouldn't be a satire if there wasn't some bit of human vice being attacked. Although the events were not true, the heart of the article is not far from the truth.
So, as you get a good chuckle (as I did) from this satire, let us not forget to examine our hearts. Who are we worshipping? Let us all press on to worship the One who created us to worship Him!
Enjoy more satire at the Holy Observer
Wednesday, June 16, 2004